What does Social Relationship mean?
- How we relate to others.
- Conflict and prejudice
- Altruism and Peacemaking
What does Prejudice mean?
- An unjustifiable attitude towards a group of people.
- Written (Flag, comment on wall)
- Getting up when someone sits down
- It usually involves stereotyped beliefs (a generalized belief about a group of people)
What is Social Inequalities?
- A principle reason behind prejudice
- INGROUP- "us", people with whom one shares a common identity.
- OUTGROUP- "them", those perceived as different from one's in group.
- INGROUP BIAS- The tendency to favor one's own group.
What is Scapegoat Theory?
- The theory that prejudice provides an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.
What is Aggression?
- Any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy.
Why it occurs in Biology?
- Genetics
- Neural Influence (aggression in brain)
- Biochemical
The Psychology of Aggression
- Frustration Aggressive Principle
- The blocking of an attempt to achieve some goal
- Creates anger which generates aggression
- It is difficult to change behavior when learned.
What does Conflict mean?
- A perceived incompatibility of actions, goals or ideas
- Social tract or Prisoners dilemma
What does Social Tract mean?
- Any situation that rewards immediate actions that will have undesired effects in the long run.
An example of Social Tract
- Spending money at the mall and then receiving the credit card bill later.
What is Prisoners Dilemma?
- A situation where people must choose between an act that is beneficial to themselves but harmful to others and an act that is beneficial to all.
First Laws of Attraction
- Proximity (Geographic nearness, Repeated exposure to something breeds liking)
- Reciprocal Liking (You are more likely to like someone who likes you)
- Similarity ("Birds of the same feather flock together", Similarity breeds content)
- Liking through Association (Classical conditioning can play a part in attraction (EX: Going to a place because you like the waitress that works there)
- Physical Attractiveness (The Hotty Factor)- Physical attractiveness predicts dating frequency (They date more), They are perceived as healthier, happier, more honest and successful than less attractive counter parts.
What are the two types of Love?
- PASSIONATE- An aroused state of intense positive observation of another.
- COMPASSIONATE/ COMPANION- The deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with whom we feel our lives are intertwined.
What makes Compassionate Love work?
- Equity (Equal amount of space and relation)
- Self Disclosure (Sharing things about yourself)
What does Altruism mean?
- Unselfish regard for the welfare of others.
- Kitty Genovese Case
- Bystander effect (Bystanders less willing to help if there are other bystanders around)
What does Social Exchange mean?
- The idea that our Social Behavior is an exchange process, which we maximize benefits and maximum cost.
What is an example of Social Exchange?
- Should I go to work or stay at home?
What is Peacemaking?
- Give people subordinate (shared) goals that can only be achieved through cooperation
- Win Win situation through mediation.
What does GRIT mean?
- Graduation and Reciprocated Initiatives in Tension Reduction.
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